Doubling Down With the Derricos Finale Recap 08/08/23: Season 4 Episode 10 We Are Family

Doubling Down With the Derricos Finale Recap 08/08/23: Season 4 Episode 10 "We Are Family"

Tonight on Doubling Down With the Derricos airs with an all-new Tuesday, August 8, 2023, episode and we have your Doubling Down With the Derricos recap below. On tonight’s Doubling Down With the Derricos season, 4 episode 10 called “We Are Family,” as per the TLC synopsis, “The Derricos deal with multiple issues as they prep for the perfect Thanksgiving. GG anxiously awaits her final scan results to find out if the tumor is gone.

Darian steps out of her comfort zone when she takes dance lessons with an old school friend.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our Doubling Down With the Derricos recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, videos, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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In tonight’s DDWTD finale they reveal these shows are usually taped months ahead of when they are actually aired. The Derricos for instance were celebrating Thanksgiving. The kids were happy to be off from school for a week. GG was getting ready for her last round of chemotherapy.

Only Deon wanted to do most of the cooking himself. He’s pretty much given up on his diet. He wanted a true feast for the holidays and he was going to be tasting everything except the macaroni and cheese. The patriarch apparently doesn’t like the dish. It was the oddest thing. His wife even poked fun at him for it. And so he was willing to let her cook that dish.

GG offered to cook the greens. She would have done more only she wasn’t in the best of health. GG chose greens because it was the easiest. She also wanted to cook one dish because they were hoping Amani would be there this year. The whole family recently learned that Amani was a Derrico. He was Chris’s son.

Chris was Deon’s brother and GG’s eldest son. He passed away several years ago and so having Amani around would have been like having Chris still there. And so it broke their hearts a little when they found out that Amani couldn’t make it for Thanksgiving.

Something came up. The family hadn’t wanted to pry. They just knew Amani couldn’t make it this year and that made GG sad. GG was already tired from all the chemo. She felt sick all the time.

She doesn’t have much energy to do anything and so Amani still checked in with her. He just couldn’t be there for her this time. The family understood. They carried on without him. Deon practically bought up the whole grocery store to prepare for Thanksgiving. And the kids tried to do the Cuff It Challenge.

Darian likes dancing. She was the eldest child. She was a single in a family of doubles, triples, and quints. She wanted something of her own and it turns out to be dancing. She loves dancing. Her parents arranged for her to take lessons from a family friend. It doesn’t hurt he was a cute young man.

Not that Darian was nervous around him or if she was then she quickly got over it. It turns out she picks up routines easily. She was focused. Her love for dancing came through. Her mother and grandmother were proud of her after her first lesson. And there were more lessons planned for after the holidays.

Plans had to change again because Deon chipped his tooth. It looked so bad that he began wearing a mask around the house and all the kids thought it odd that he would be wearing a mask inside as he prepared Thanksgiving dinner. Then when told the reasons why he was wearing it, most of them wanted to see how bad it looked. That’s kids for you. They are always curious. Deon couldn’t go see a dentist until after the holidays. And not everything was shut down, he ended up going with his mom on what he hoped would be her last treatment.

Only it wasn’t over. GG still has a little bit of the cancer left over. She was given three options on what to do next. She could go through more chemo, she could try radiation, or she could try immunotherapy. The only thing she was sure she didn’t want was radiation. She was scared of radiation. She thought it would be worse than chemotherapy. She said she would never be the same if she undergoes radiation and so she considered stopping all treatment. And it was her family that told her that she has to keep fighting.

Darian in the meantime learned a routine. She danced it with Drayden and they streamed it online. It was really brave of Darian. She normally shies away from attention. Its why she hadn’t wanted to do her mom’s fashion show earlier in the summer. So, dancing was already instilling in her some confidence in herself. Then came Thanksgiving. Deon got up early to deep fry the turkeys. He baked the pies. He made cornbread dressing. He was cooking up a storm while Karen arranged for Amani to fly in on Thanksgiving.

Amani apparently had news that he had to break in person. It seems he was going to be a father. His girlfriend is pregnant with a little boy. GG was going to be a great-grandmother and hearing that made her fight that much harder to live long enough to meet her great-grandbaby. And so this Thanksgiving was special.

The family have a lot to be thankful for that year and now they were going to be welcoming a baby to it.

