The Vamps Tease Big Announcement

It has been known for about a month now, but on the 15th of September, the boys from The Vamps have big announcements coming!

If the fans weren’t nervous enough already and breaking their heads over what it could be, the boys piled it up even more: at the end of the second part of their USA tour video, they added a major teaser. Watching the video you see it ending with a broken TV and you hear a morse code. Before you even realise, two words blink into the screen and they’re gone again. What is that about?

Luckily, me and my friends are big fans and we decided to put up an investigation. After lots of beeps and light flashes, we figured out what it was: the two words shown are ‘Splice Here’, being a movie producing company and the morse code means ‘Transmission Error’. Now, what do these two have in common?

Unfortunately, we aren’t that clever and we’ll just have to wait till next Tuesday to find out the announcement. Anyone else as excited as I am? Just in case you are, I’m leaving you with the second part of the tour video, so you can see and hear the end for yourself.
