Who is Rebecca Becca Serrano? Meet The Bachelor season 27 contestant

Rebecca "Becca" Serrano is all set to appear on season 27 of The Bachelor, featuring Zach Shallcross in the lead. The suitress is among the 30 women vying for the lead's heart on the hit ABC dating series. The 25-year-old contestant is a nursing student and will be involved in finding love with Zach while also dealing with emotions, tears, and a lot of drama throughout the season.

The Bachelor season 27 will premiere on Monday, January 23, 2023, at 8 pm ET on ABC. 30 women are set to give it their all to explore their future with Zach. The series teases a lot of drama as the leader takes on the journey to find a potential partner. Zach first caught the attention of viewers when he competed for Rachel Rechhia's heart on The Bachelorette season 19.

Zach, for his part, met the first five women for his season of the dating show when he was announced as the Bachelor on the After the Rose special episode of The Bachelorette season 19. Viewers were introduced to Bailey, Brooklyn, Brianna, Cat, and Christina. The American then chose his first impression of Rose, which went to Brianna.

The Bachelor suitress Rebecca "Becca" Serrano is looking for a natural chemistry

Rebecca "Becca" Serrano is 25 years old and hails from Burbank, California. She is a nursing student and has dedicated her life to helping people. As per her ABC bio, she is committed to thinking about others before doing anything for herself, which indicates her journey toward a career that is focused on catering to people from all backgrounds and life experiences.

The Bachelor suitress comes from a close-knit Mexican American family and was raised by her mother. Becca claims that she loves her mother the most in the world, which stands as proof of how close the mother-daughter duo is. Viewers should look forward to seeing if she shares more about their bond on the show.

The type of man Becca wants to spend the rest of her life with is something she is quite clear about. According to her ABC bio, she seeks a partner who can be goofy with her and with whom she has natural chemistry. While viewers haven't seen a goofy side to Zach yet, it will be interesting to see if the duo bond well and establish chemistry on their date, if they get the chance to be on one.

The contestant's ABC bio reads:

"She is hoping to meet a man who is as loyal, honest and supportive as she is. Becca is here to find her perfect match and hopefully return home with Zach by her side."

Becca has over 10.2K followers on Instagram. It hasn't been long since the suitress joined the platform, as her last post was in October 2021. She has over 50 posts on her page where she has updated viewers about her modeling for brands, being a self-proclaimed dog mom, and ad shoots.

The Bachelor cast member confessed to wearing a lot of beanies while in high school to give off a school skater vibe. Becca noted that being outdoors made for good relaxation for the contestant and that she would prefer to keep it that way. She is also fond of forbidden romance novels.

Viewers will witness Becca's journey this Monday on the hit ABC dating series. The season promises a lot of dramatic moments as the ladies go on dates with the lead and will be followed by several emotional moments, romance, and eliminations.

Don't forget to tune in to the premiere episode of The Bachelor this Monday, January 23, 2023, at 8 pm ET on ABC.

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