Who is Veronica Bielik? Kliff Kingsburys girlfriend heats up social media with her photos

The head coach of the Arizona Cardinals, Kliff Kingsbury, recently caught the media’s eye with the pictures posted by his rumored beau Veronica Bielik, who is said to be dating him.

Talking about the NFL team Cardinal’s coach who already has so many responsibilities over his head, at least had his personal view sorted with this beauty by his side. But does that mean they are together for a long or just rising the hype among their followers? The guess remains to stay put.

The American football head coach Kliff Kingsbury was assigned to the team back in 2019 to bring the best of the team efforts on the field. He was the team’s playoff leader in the 2021 season, and ever since then, has been performing at his best for the Cardinals. However, the fact that the team has not performed to its full potential in a few seasons has cast doubt on Kingsbury’s abilities. The team Cardinals will be in hands of Kingsbury for another 5 years with his new extended contract till the 2027 season.

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Who is Veronica Bielik?

The very glamorous 29-year-old woman is an entrepreneur by profession holding her stake in the spotlight agency and is also a commercial model, fitness enthusiast, and influencer.

Veronica Bielik‘s Instagram has 3.5M followers who praise everything she posts.

Belonging to polish descent, she is an unmatchable beauty having an alluring frame who is in the highlights for posting pictures of what looked like the Cardinal’s head coach’s home. The social media went insane after discovering the picture’s story and the tweets were flooded with sparky sections.

After the pictures were posted, it became clear that they were dating for a year, and they have been living together, sharing a house, and even going on vacations.

Though the team’s performance is lowering and holds the last spot in the NFC West, Kingsbury at least has his priority sorted by sharing his life with Bielik.

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